Unlock exclusive savings with Zomato’s Restaurant Partner coupons! Enjoy delightful meals at your favorite eateries while making the most of fantastic discounts. Simply browse through the available coupons on the Zomato app, select your desired offer, and savor delicious food without breaking the bank. Whether you’re dining in or ordering out, these coupons enhance your culinary experience. Don’t miss out—explore the latest deals and treat yourself today! Bon appétit!

New valid Zomato Restaurant Partner Codes

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Zomato Restaurant Partner

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TP4XAO-UN95% cashback (Expires on August 20, 2024)
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J6RN5PH-V87% off next order (Expires on September 11, 2024)
CQ7SJBYD832% cashback (Expires on August 13, 2024)

How to redeem Zomato Restaurant Partner code?

To redeem your coupon as a Zomato Restaurant Partner, enter the coupon code in the designated field during the order or billing process. Enjoy!

Zomato Restaurant Partner Coupon Reviews

Onboarding with Zomato has proven to be an exceptionally challenging experience, marked by a distinct lack of support and communication from assigned personnel. While I initially filled with optimism about partnering with such a well-known food delivery service, the reality has been quite the opposite. The assigned executive, who was supposed to provide guidance and assistance, has been unresponsive to my calls and messages, rendering me in a frustrating limbo. Despite multiple attempts to clarify the distinct issues, including complications with both SSO and OTP logins that continued to link to different accounts, I have found little in the way of support or resolution. It has become increasingly clear that Zomato excels not in providing a seamless onboarding experience, but in cultivating a sense of discontent among its restaurant partners right from the start.

The problems extend far beyond onboarding. Time and again, I have encountered issues with order placements where customers receive notifications stating the restaurant is unavailable for delivery due to the lack of delivery partners. Each time I've reached out to customer service, the results have been disheartening—no fixes and no substantial answers. Adding insult to injury, Zomato charged me an onboarding fee of ₹999 while the app continuously marked my restaurant as unavailable for orders, a blatant inconsistency that has left me feeling cheated. Even my attempts to escalate these issues on social media platforms have yielded no meaningful responses. I had anticipated that my decision to exclusively partner with Zomato would open new avenues for growth, but instead, I find myself questioning this choice with every passing day as the reality of the situation unfolds into what can only be described as a nightmare.

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