In the legendary tale of King Arthur, Excalibur is a mythical sword that embodies power and destiny. The codes associated with Excalibur are shrouded in mystery and significance, representing themes of honor, chivalry, and leadership. These codes serve as a guide for knights and warriors, ensuring that they uphold the values of valor and justice in their quests. The legend of Excalibur transcends time and culture, inspiring individuals to strive for greatness and uphold principles of righteousness. Embracing the codes of Excalibur empowers individuals to achieve their full potential and make a positive impact on the world.

New valid アーサーの伝説-Excalibur- Code

Code is hidden Get

- 1. Rare sword of power (+5 attack) 2. Mystical armor (+3 defense) 3. Potion of healing (restore 50 HP)

Code is hidden Get

- Exclusive rewards: 50 gold, 20 potions, 10 diamonds, rare weapon.

Secret rewards Get


List of アーサーの伝説-Excalibur- Codes

W8V6AKDLBE5S Gold x75, Rubies x238, EXP x617 (Expires on August 19, 2024)
9G057KPY Iron x2734, Items x42657, Hero EXP x8975 (Expires on July 18, 2024)
WIEN5OH8C3S7 VIP Points x936, Items x43512 (Expires on September 1, 2024)
I4BDHCGY1QX Cash x217, VIP Points x394, Resources x942 (Expires on July 21, 2024)
CF0AP5LD6 Wood x6745, Food x1879 (Expires on August 2, 2024)
4DFEWNKR Coins x786, Iron x719, Cash x32 (Expires on August 24, 2024)
WIB5AC3PF Hero EXP x928, Energy x96217 (Expires on July 21, 2024)
7MA6Q0EVFD8 Chest x518, VIP Points x6478 (Expires on August 19, 2024)
Z8LR4VWEM59 Wood x36782, Speed Up x58367 (Expires on August 6, 2024)
8XIVYUSQAT0 Money x92614, Ore x56 (Expires on August 28, 2024)

How to redeem アーサーの伝説-Excalibur- codes?

To redeem a code in "アーサーの伝説-Excalibur-", open the game, locate the code redemption option, enter the code accurately, and claim your rewards.

アーサーの伝説-Excalibur- Codes review

Newly Updated Code: