Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy is a fun and entertaining game where players try to outsmart their opponents by using codes to hide Daddy. Players can use a variety of colorful and creative codes to camouflage Daddy in different levels of the game. With 89 different codes to discover, players are faced with a challenging yet exciting task of decoding each one to progress to the next stage. The game’s vibrant graphics and engaging gameplay make Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy a popular choice for gamers of all ages looking for a unique and challenging experience.

New valid Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy Code

Code is hidden Get

- 500 coins, magic wand, banana peel in-game rewards. Enjoy playing!

Code is hidden Get

- "4 gifts: 50 coins, 20 gems, 10 sprinkles, rainbow hat"

Secret rewards Get

Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy

List of Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy Codes

ZQ6RIVNLO24 Summon Scrolls x85713, Hero EXP x51, Rubies x35412 (Expires on August 15, 2024)
L30ZPIGMQ15 VIP Points x697 (Expires on August 11, 2024)
M0AKWIRB6YJO Chest x196 (Expires on August 22, 2024)
85G3BFVDUNA EXP x5374, Hero EXP x17 (Expires on July 19, 2024)
W2OGZMJDLK4Q Chest x36194 (Expires on August 28, 2024)
FWVSG5RQT EXP x6753, Hero EXP x57129 (Expires on September 6, 2024)
PVRZD3OKEX Money x7362, Coins x432, Food x418 (Expires on September 2, 2024)
1HG2UBDNZXAW Iron x3261 (Expires on August 5, 2024)
7QD92XCB0YK Cash x713, Rubies x967, Gems x74 (Expires on July 20, 2024)
OR5I6SBYF Chest x358, Resources x987 (Expires on August 1, 2024)
6LAB92CW Timber x142, Iron x719, Rubies x24 (Expires on September 13, 2024)
SGYBIV9T Iron x6231, Diamonds x82, VIP Points x84 (Expires on August 22, 2024)

How to redeem Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy codes?

To redeem a code for Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy, open the game, navigate to the settings menu, select "Redeem Code," enter the code, and enjoy new content.

Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy Codes review

Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy game gift codes offer players the chance to unlock extras in a game that some find to be lackluster. With comments like "The graphics look like free unity assets" and "the 3 'games' if you could call them that are just so simplistic," it's clear that this game may not be for everyone. The first game involves grabbing the "grimaze shake" and avoiding being touched by grimaze in a basic square map with minimal detail. Some players have expressed frustration with the simplicity of the gameplay and the lack of variety in the game environments.

One common complaint about Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy is the excessive number of ads that interrupt gameplay. Players have also found the arrow mechanic confusing, making it difficult to locate items quickly. With ads taking up a substantial amount of time and the arrow feature causing confusion, some players may find it challenging to enjoy the game fully.

Another issue that players have encountered with Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy is the game frequently stopping during play. This interruption can disrupt the flow of the game and lead to a frustrating experience for players trying to progress through the levels. With multiple factors contributing to a less than ideal gaming experience, some players may be hesitant to invest time and energy into Rainbow Prank: Hide Daddy.

Newly Updated Code: