Embark on a thrilling adventure with ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE-RPG codes, where you can unlock powerful characters and ships to battle against formidable foes. By redeeming codes, you can enhance your gameplay experience by acquiring rare items, special characters, and other exclusive rewards. Join forces with Luffy and his crew to explore the vast sea and conquer legendary challenges. Stay ahead in the game by using codes to level up your characters, strengthen your party, and strategize your way to victory. Dive into the world of One Piece and unleash the true potential of your crew!


Code is hidden Get

- 3x20 Rainbow Gems, 500,000 Beli, 10x Forbidden Tomes, claim now!

Code is hidden Get

- Reward: 25 gems, 10 gold, 5 rainbow crystals, 3 stamina potions.

Secret rewards Get


6POMB01H3RNL Cash x7918, Gold x54 (Expires on July 29, 2024)
PDT37JQMOGU Items x624, EXP x5189, VIP Points x64512 (Expires on August 19, 2024)
HW3N4M2CL Items x93, Diamonds x3628, Gems x98 (Expires on August 12, 2024)
CKTWJG6X8HA Summon Scrolls x542, Gems x9568, Money x23819 (Expires on July 1, 2024)
1FUZNQTWOA Stone x8594, Diamonds x713, Money x67 (Expires on August 18, 2024)
WNAEKPH68VYO Ore x84, Diamonds x16859, Timber x65423 (Expires on August 11, 2024)
T42KJSXEWAM0 Items x37248, EXP x82, Diamond x5983, Chest x54261 (Expires on August 2, 2024)
SKZBY1RQOCN Gems x673, Coins x87946, Resources x823 (Expires on August 2, 2024)
UA1Q0W8F Free Boosts x68542, Food x839 (Expires on July 9, 2024)
Z3HG7BN1PJQ Items x1974, Chest x18765, Coins x13825, Resources x8973 (Expires on July 20, 2024)
BZDC64MAO1YK Rubies x9873, EXP x659 (Expires on July 25, 2024)
L189ZYRG Resources x7128, Ore x5398, Iron x512 (Expires on August 7, 2024)
DZMBJPNRVCU Chest x983, Gold x15493 (Expires on August 18, 2024)
UJ6AXV13TM Diamond x13796, VIP Points x37495, Cash x4953 (Expires on August 2, 2024)

How to redeem ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE codes?

To redeem a code in ONE PIECE TREASURE CRUISE-RPG, navigate to the in-game settings, select "Enter Code," input the code, and claim your rewards.


Fun!!! Tons of characters to collect! Perfect if you are a casual gamer and like collecting, or if you're a hard core player. It has something for everyone! Amazing characters with some in outfits/costumes we don't see in the anime. As One Piece does. Lots of puzzling strategy to figure out, and always a challenge to face. Many different gaming techniques and statistics to learn which are fun, and help boost you whether you're f2p or buy packs. Everyone's got a chance at equality.

They try to get you to fork out tons of money on the newest characters but 1 week after the new characters come out a different event comes along and needs the even newer characters and the ones you just got are useless. It's a complete money scam. It used to be so fun. And don't even bother playing co op quests it crashes every time.

It's all about the money. Now level achievement awards you have to pay to get. Always having to pay, drawing from multiple tabs for each event with poor drop rates among numerous old characters. New players working through all the story could get away without pay but would have trouble with current events. Only the top few get rewards to keep them on top and the rest pay to just hold your own. Done paying, many leaving.

Newly Updated Code: