משלוחה מציעה שירותי משלוחי אוכל שמביאים את המסעדות האהובות עליכם ישירות לביתכם, עם יתרון מיוחד – קאשבק! כשאתם מזמינים דרך משלוחה, תוכלו ליהנות מהמזון החם והטרי, ובו בזמן לצבור נקודות חזרה על כל הזמנה. עם קופונים והנחות משתלמות, כל ארוחה הופכת לא רק לטעימה, אלא גם משתלמת. אל תשכחו לבדוק אילו מבצעים זמינים כשתזמינו בפעם הבאה! חווית אוכל מושלמת ממתינה לכם.

New valid משלוחה: משלוחי אוכל עם קאשבק Codes

Secret rewards Get

- Get a 20% cashback on your first food order!

Secret rewards Get

- Receive a 20% cashback on your first food delivery order!

Secret rewards Get

- Enjoy a 20% cashback on your next meal order with משלוחה today!

משלוחה: משלוחי אוכל עם קאשבק

ZC-7F610DM7% off next purchase (Expires on November 26, 2024)
ZFKV0G4865 special gifts (Expires on November 3, 2024)
J7FSZ4QA50382% cashback (Expires on October 25, 2024)
O5Y92LJXM73 special gifts (Expires on November 12, 2024)
Q--I6ANL8973 special gifts (Expires on October 29, 2024)
NJH2R-P8V16% off next order (Expires on November 13, 2024)
BAE-GTU75R0I9 free shipping (Expires on November 9, 2024)
TQD5MPXS6% off next order (Expires on December 16, 2024)
SP7NUXZLJ09 free shipping on orders (Expires on December 20, 2024)
WGQK0FL125S98% off next purchase (Expires on November 13, 2024)
2VYM0LQHOGPT57 free shipping (Expires on November 5, 2024)
U39CQBKDHWMN8% off next purchase (Expires on December 16, 2024)
CWOQP8LYFR84% off (Expires on November 17, 2024)
YZ1SQ-PX42% off any purchase (Expires on October 28, 2024)

How to redeem משלוחה: משלוחי אוכל עם קאשבק code?

בכדי לממש קופון במשלוחה, בחר את המזון, הכנס את הקוד בקופה ותקבל קאשבק למימוש ברכישות עתידיות. תהנה מהאוכל!

משלוחה: משלוחי אוכל עם קאשבק Coupon Reviews

The experience with the משלוחה food delivery app has been overwhelmingly disappointing. Over the last two years, the service has deteriorated rather than improved, with response times being alarmingly slow and customer service representatives exhibiting an unprofessional attitude. Users have reported consistent issues with orders being either late or inaccurately fulfilled, making it increasingly frustrating. Many customers have reached a point where they prefer to deal directly with restaurants rather than relying on the app. A growing number of consumers are informing restaurant staff about the challenges faced while ordering through משלוחה, with many restaurants agreeing that calling directly is a much more reliable option.

Customer feedback highlights widespread dissatisfaction with the app's functionality and support. Instances of receiving incorrect orders or experiencing significant delays are not isolated; they have become the norm for many users. Even when a user attempts to resolve issues, they are often met with unhelpful referrals back to the restaurant, leaving them feeling disillusioned. Furthermore, the app's refund policy has been another point of contention. Instead of straightforward monetary refunds, users are often offered points that can only be redeemed within the app, which many feel is an inadequate solution for a service that fails to meet basic expectations.

For potential users considering משלוחה, caution is highly advised. The mounting negative reviews suggest that this is not a service worth risking. With competitors offering more reliable and efficient delivery options, it would be prudent to explore those alternatives instead. Many customers, including restaurant personnel, caution against relying on the app, noting the consistent dissatisfaction experienced with orders. In summary, if one seeks a dependable food delivery experience, it may be best to steer clear of משלוחה and explore more reputable services that prioritize customer satisfaction and timely delivery. In a competitive industry, providing accurate and timely service is paramount, and משלוחה seems to be falling short in that regard.

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