Looking to save on your next shopping trip at PLUS Supermarket? Don’t miss out on their exclusive coupons! With a variety of discounts on essentials and special promotions, PLUS makes grocery shopping budget-friendly. Simply download their app or visit the website to find the latest offers. Whether you’re stocking up on fresh produce, snacks, or household items, using PLUS Supermarkt coupons can lead to significant savings, helping you make the most of your money!

New valid PLUS supermarkt Codes

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PLUS supermarkt

List of PLUS supermarkt Codes

SJT3KIAH6L32% off any purchase (Expires on September 17, 2024)
XDRZN7AY1% off (Expires on September 17, 2024)
F3K5VAM7H1 free shipping on orders (Expires on September 11, 2024)
730DJV95ZN661% cashback (Expires on September 26, 2024)
3Y925EQRVG85% off next order (Expires on September 17, 2024)
ZX7GFL82W3% off next order (Expires on September 19, 2024)
GST4Y3XO8V4% off (Expires on September 24, 2024)
7XYWZNL83IR75 free shipping on orders (Expires on August 27, 2024)
WBUJV9DN8R21 free shipping (Expires on September 8, 2024)
Z68UWPJVI1 gift card (Expires on October 1, 2024)
W9M2C1Y319% off next order (Expires on August 10, 2024)
IPWSLAZ3F72% off next purchase (Expires on September 11, 2024)
E5VGDZXC37% off any purchase (Expires on September 16, 2024)

How to redeem PLUS supermarkt codes?

To redeem a PLUS supermarkt coupon, present it at checkout or enter the code online. Ensure it’s valid and meet minimum purchase requirements. Enjoy savings!

PLUS supermarkt Coupon reviews

The recent update to the PLUS Supermarkt app has left many users frustrated due to a myriad of functionality issues. The QR scanner, a crucial feature for redeeming gift codes, has become non-functional, rendering a significant aspect of the app useless. Additionally, users are encountering multiple login errors that prevent them from accessing their accounts. Points accrued through shopping are not displaying correctly, and discounts that are supposed to be visible in the cart or on the grocery list are now nowhere to be found. To make matters worse, grocery lists that were once easily accessible on the homepage have vanished, and as of yesterday, the entire app seems to be offline, adding to the discontent among its users.

Compounding the technical difficulties is the app's frustrating password policy. Users are bewildered by the compulsion to periodically change their passwords, especially for an app that is primarily used for grocery shopping. The process has been made even more bewildering, as the app does not notify users when their passwords have expired. Instead, it leads them to believe that they have simply forgotten their password, which is not only misleading but also affects user confidence. This unnecessary hurdle has left many users wondering why such stringent measures are in place for a service that should be user-friendly.

While the app used to perform reliably, the recent update has caused significant disruptions, particularly regarding the login process. After entering the required credentials, users find that the app becomes unresponsive, leaving them in a frustrating limbo with no error messages to guide them. This inability to log in is particularly concerning as it prevents users from accessing their gift codes and potentially valuable offers. The combination of technical glitches and baffling policy changes has led to a growing call for immediate fixes to restore the app’s functionality and to improve the overall user experience of the PLUS Supermarkt service.

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