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New valid Chase Up Codes

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How to redeem Chase Up code?

To redeem your Chase Up coupon, visit their website or store, select items, enter the coupon code at checkout, and enjoy your discount!

Chase Up Coupon Reviews

As of March 2024, my experience with the Chase Up app has been nothing short of frustrating. Initially, everything seemed fine when I placed my order and received a confirmation message. However, after two days of awaiting delivery, I checked the status only to find the order marked as cancelled without any prior notification. Undeterred, I decided to place my order once again, receiving another confirmation message. Sadly, this order met the same fate, being arbitrarily cancelled two days later. Attempts to contact their helpline proved futile as the number was unresponsive. Even with the updated app version, I encountered issues that made the shopping experience painful. For instance, while adding items to my cart was fast, modifying the quantity was maddening. The app provided no straightforward way to edit the quantity directly, forcing me to repeatedly press the '+' sign, which felt absurd. The cart also emptied itself the moment I left the app—a stark contrast to previous iterations where items remained saved for future purchases.

The user experience continues to deteriorate, with additional shortcomings surfacing that further tarnish the app's credibility. For starters, a "reorder" function is absent in the orders section, a feature that was available in earlier versions of the app. Customers expect such conveniences, especially in our fast-paced lives. Moreover, there’s no mechanism to take screenshots of errors since the cart simply empties without warning when switching apps. Frustrated by the lack of functional support, I experienced a particularly unacceptable incident regarding an order of groceries. The order number was 898621, which included perishables that were not delivered and left me without assistance when I reached out for help. Instead of receiving prompt communication regarding the order status, I was left in limbo. Another disheartening moment happened at the Multan branch, where the staff's rude demeanor only added to my discontent. Despite receiving decent products, the cashier denied my request for a complimentary paper bag for my purchase of Coca-Cola and biscuits, insisting it was only applicable for clothing items. Such treatment of customers, especially over a trivial matter, exemplifies the unprofessionalism that seems to seep through every corner of their operations. In light of these experiences, I am left with no desire to shop at Chase Up again, along with a hope that they truly learn the meaning of customer service and professionalism before continuing their operations.

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