In the vibrant world of “Anime School: Karate Fighting,” students train rigorously to master martial arts styles while balancing academics and friendships. Characters embody various fighting codes, such as discipline, honor, and perseverance, as they face challenges both in and out of the dojo. Each episode highlights intense training sessions, epic tournaments, and moments of growth, showcasing their determination to uphold the spirit of karate. With unique special moves and rivalries, the students strive to become champions. As they learn lessons in teamwork and resilience, they forge bonds that transcend competition.

New valid Anime School : Karate Fighting Codes

Secret rewards Get

- 100 Karate Belt, 250 Health Potion

Secret rewards Get

- 1. 500 Gold Coins, 3 Health Potions, 2 Training Manuals 2. 250 XP Scrolls, 1 Legendary Karate Gi, 5 Energy Drinks 3. 2 Skill Boost Tokens, 10 Strength Training Balls, 1 Rare Black Belt

Secret rewards Get

- 1. 250 Gold Coins, 3 Health Potions, 5 Training Gear, 2 Experience Boosters, 1 Rare Dojo Item

Anime School : Karate Fighting

-7TIH1S9JY Iron x618, Speed Up x513 (Expires on October 2, 2024)
AFS64BPJ9Z- Rubies x57 (Expires on November 14, 2024)
42SV-QWE8 Diamonds x37125 (Expires on September 29, 2024)
O-UE8N1G XP x68, Silver x28397 (Expires on November 8, 2024)
Q9NZMA8G Gold x3281 (Expires on October 24, 2024)
-NFGYS5TZ2 Chest x349, Diamond x469 (Expires on October 29, 2024)
CK3IHGR4F DNA x82 (Expires on October 14, 2024)
-ML4TP-2 Star x4538 (Expires on November 11, 2024)
NZJS46LAXW Speed Up x13752 (Expires on October 21, 2024)
VQJXDUY4LW Gold x154, Timber x47163 (Expires on November 14, 2024)
T2QP6M5E Cash x49817 (Expires on October 21, 2024)
2DNWXYJ-57B Money x64 (Expires on October 18, 2024)

How to redeem Anime School : Karate Fighting code?

To redeem a code in Anime School: Karate Fighting, launch the game, navigate to the settings or redemption area, enter your code in the designated input box, and click the redeem button to receive your rewards. Enjoy the game!

Anime School : Karate Fighting Codes Review

Newly Updated Code: