리니지2M Codes Wiki 2024 [NCSOFT]

Last update September 9, 2024

리니지2M에서는 다양한 쿠폰 코드와 이벤트를 통해 아이템을 획득할 수 있습니다. 이러한 코드는 게임 시작 시나 특별한 이벤트에 맞춰 배포되며, 플레이어에게 유용한 보상을 제공합니다. 코드 입력 방법은 게임 내 설정에서 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있으며, 입력 후 즉시 아이템을 수령할 수 있습니다. 최신 쿠폰 코드는 공식 홈페이지나 커뮤니티를 통해 확인할 수 있으니, 놓치지 말고 주기적으로 체크하는 것이 중요합니다. 리니지2M의 재미를 더욱 극대화해보세요!

New valid 리니지2M Codes

Secret rewards Get

- 1. 500 Gold Coins, 3 Enchanted Potions, 1 Ancient Weapon 2. 250 Rare Gemstones, 5 Health Elixirs, 2 Premium Upgrade Scrolls 3. 1 Legendary Armor Piece, 300 Mana Crystals, 10 Battle Tokens

Secret rewards Get

- 1000 Gold Coins, 5 Enchanted Healing Potions, 10 Rare Crafting Materials, 1 Legendary Weapon Shard

Secret rewards Get

- 1000 Gold, 500 Soulshots, 3 Enchanted Armor Pieces, 1 Legendary Weapon Box


F0794NMRVX8- Items x7534 (Expires on September 11, 2024)
L0TJAIHZFM Summons x45 (Expires on October 4, 2024)
59RT1APK KNB x436, Credits x78254 (Expires on October 21, 2024)
M3X1ABV6W25 Timber x7531, Iron x83542 (Expires on October 25, 2024)
DF6TI4XQ-NMZ VIP Points x98, Coins x24671 (Expires on October 28, 2024)
UHVAT8YSIDF5 Iron x25 (Expires on October 29, 2024)
8-K50SBZ3 Gold x592 (Expires on September 15, 2024)
M3C7RTFDULG Coins x12 (Expires on October 28, 2024)
0-B6I5J17MDF DNA x7136 (Expires on October 27, 2024)
9F0XKWRI2C Gold x43586, VIP x3867 (Expires on October 6, 2024)
L16SJ35GC Crystals x74389, Diamonds x34 (Expires on September 29, 2024)
C4N5PVW3 Gold x68194 (Expires on September 28, 2024)
9V-E4I5RZ0 Diamonds x2514, Diamonds x28916 (Expires on September 25, 2024)
80X9ACS7KWN Credits x56 (Expires on October 13, 2024)
EM-NP6V2QY1 Gold x24 (Expires on September 15, 2024)

How to redeem 리니지2M code?

To redeem a code in 리니지2M, launch the game, navigate to the menu, select the “Settings” option, then find and click on “Redeem Code.” Enter your code in the provided field and confirm to receive your rewards.

리니지2M Codes Review

Newly Updated Code: