
New valid 星球:重啟 – 深入地心 Code

Code is hidden Get

- Rare crystal (x5), powerful weapon (x3), secret map (x2).

Code is hidden Get

- 1. Rare diamond x3, gold bars x5, ancient artifact x2 2. Silver coins x10, enchanted sword x1, magic potion x4 3. Crystal key x7, mysterious map x6, treasure chest x8 4. Legendary amulet x2, dragon egg x3, celestial gem x9

Secret rewards Get

星球:重啟 – 向宇宙進發

List of 星球:重啟 – 向宇宙進發 Codes

DGSNF3K27 Gems x67342 (Expires on July 30, 2024)
JYN3XZ2QSKB Chest x41, Wood x284, Stone x4329 (Expires on September 2, 2024)
Y8AUS69WOZT Food x58, Gems x4385 (Expires on September 4, 2024)
10M6V2NGU3O Gold x648, Stone x9175, Diamonds x569 (Expires on August 27, 2024)
CT2DEON37 Gold x879, Wood x52, Chest x72 (Expires on September 15, 2024)
6SZIF5RWMN1P Wood x8529, Summon Scrolls x78963, Coins x896 (Expires on September 18, 2024)
LR60XSVTDB Speed Up x8975, Wood x48 (Expires on August 16, 2024)
O4JDF19P7H Speed Up x93864, Wood x73952, Chest x86741 (Expires on August 8, 2024)
E0WXOFJPY6D Gems x391, Chest x258 (Expires on September 3, 2024)
8H1VA9X7NI Chest x5138 (Expires on August 5, 2024)
WP8TLCA7ZMRG Diamonds x562, Coins x53 (Expires on September 15, 2024)
P6G3H8OZUL Stone x431 (Expires on August 25, 2024)
SVWLJ1IAGN Food x5962 (Expires on August 24, 2024)
ZHSNE4OI Food x425 (Expires on July 21, 2024)
EFTP468GDKZ2 Timber x986 (Expires on August 24, 2024)
9SQYJ4GBA2ER Hero EXP x41756, Food x45 (Expires on July 26, 2024)

How to redeem 星球:重啟 – 向宇宙進發 codes?


星球:重啟 – 向宇宙進發 Codes review

In "星球:重啟 – 深入地心," there have been reports of technical issues when trying to send messages to other players. Players have mentioned that whenever they attempt to send a message, a "Reconnecting..." message is displayed, hindering their ability to chat with others. This recurring problem has been frustrating for many, and players are eagerly awaiting a fix to this issue. Additionally, there have been requests for the game to be made available in more regions, including Uzbekistan and other CIS countries, to allow a broader audience to enjoy the game's features.

One aspect of the game that has received praise is its exploration and PVE modes, offering players an engaging experience. However, some players have expressed concerns about the boss battles, mentioning that they feel overly spongy. Furthermore, the PVP mode has faced criticism, with players describing it as unbalanced, laggy, and overall not enjoyable. This feedback highlights the importance of ensuring a fair and engaging gameplay experience for all aspects of the game.

Recently, the game developers announced server resets, causing a stir among the player base. Concerns have been raised as only paying players are reported to have their items restored after the reset, leaving non-paying players at a disadvantage. This decision has sparked discussions among the community regarding fairness and equality within the game. Players are eager to see how the developers will address this issue and ensure a balanced and inclusive gaming environment for all participants.

Newly Updated Code: